
學年 93
學期 1
發表日期 2004-11-26
作品名稱 薄膜氣體吸收系統去除氮氧化物之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Membrane Gas Absorption System for Nitric Oxides Removal
著者 張煖; 何啟東; Ho, Chii-dong; 劉修東
作品所屬單位 淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系
出版者 成功大學
會議名稱 第二十一屆空氣控制技術研討會
會議地點 台南, 台灣
摘要 基於氮氧化物(Nitric Oxides)控制系統之高成本與益趨嚴格之環保標準的要求,使用含氧化性添加物之硝酸水溶液結合中空纖維模組之吸收系統為一可能之替代控制方法。本論文透過理論模擬與實驗探討此系統之可行性與性能特性。本論文自基本原理出發,考慮了氣液相複雜之化學反應與氣相、薄膜相及液相之質傳,建立了針對使用含過氧化氫硝酸水溶液吸收氮氧化物之薄膜模組吸收系統模式。實驗方面則建立了一套恆溫操作之中空纖維模組吸收系統用以驗證系統之可行性,並探討系統參數之影響。實驗結果顯示對1,200ppm濃度,氧化率為50%之進氣而言,氮氧化物之吸收效率可達70%左右。依據文獻上之質傳係數,模式預測與實驗結果略有差距,故本論文進而利用實驗結果求取涉及化學吸收之各成分的有效液相質傳係數。本論文亦透過模式分析此系統之質傳特性。針對火力電廠廢氣而言,因氧化率低,約10%,故吸收效率不高,即使提高模組面積,吸收效率僅可達20%左右。對氮氧化物之吸收而言,薄膜系統之主要好處在於設備體積得以大幅縮小。欲獲高吸收效率主要需提高進氣之氧化率。 In view of the high cost and gradually strict environmental protection demands for nitric oxides air pollutants, absorption by water or nitric acid aqueous solutions containing oxidative additives using hollow-fiber membrane modules might be a feasible measures. Through mathematical simulation and experiments, the feasibility and characteristics of the system are investigated in this thesis. Based on basic principles, mass transfers with chemical reactions of gas phase, membrane phase and liquid phase are modeled for a system where the additive is hydrogen peroxide. An isothermal system using a hydrophobic polypropylene hollow-fiber membrane module is set up for studying the effects of system parameters experimentally. For the waste gas with nitric oxides of 1,200ppm with a 50% oxidation ratio, the nitric oxides absorption efficiency is about 70%. Experimental results are used to determine the effective mass transfer coefficients for those nitric oxides compounds involving chemical absorption. For power plant flue gases, due to the low oxidation ratio, which is about 10%, the absorption efficiency is only about 20% even though high membrane area is used. For nitric oxides gas absorption, the advantage of membrane system lies mainly on the reduction of equipment size. To raise the absorption efficiency relies on the increase of oxidation ratio.
關鍵字 氮氧化物;中空纖維模組;氣體吸收;Nitric Oxides;hollow-fiber membrane modules;Gas Absorption
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20041126~20041127
國別 TWN
出處 第二十一屆空氣控制技術研討會,頁 2-44

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/19264 )
