
學年 86
學期 2
發表日期 1998-03-30
作品名稱 電腦市場上消費者知覺風險與風險承擔策略之研究
著者 李培齊; 黃志龍
作品所屬單位 淡江大學經營決策學系
出版者 臺北縣淡水鎮 : 淡江大學
會議名稱 第五屆(98')海峽兩岸管理科學學術研討會
會議地點 西安, 中國
摘要 Reported by the Institute for Infonnation Industry Development, sales of assembled computers are very active in the personal computer market of Taiwan.The market share has been growing steadily throughout the years, from 56.6% in 1993 up to 61.6% in 1995. Sales of branded computers, however, have not produced satisfactory results. In spite of enjoying strong marketing powers, not only have the sales of branded computers not been increasing, the current market position has also not been protected.
 This study explores the purchasing behavior of computers through the concept of perceived risk. More specifically, is there a significant difference iIi perceived risk and in risking taking strategy between consumers of branded computer and those of assembled computers? What are consumers' infonnation seeking behaviors of each group of consumer? Is there any relationship between infonnation seeking behavior and perceived risk? Findings are as follows:
 1. Consumers of assembled computers perceive higher perfonnance risk than those of branded computers.
 2. Consumers of assembled computers perceive lower time risk than those of branded computers.
 3. When seeking infonnation, the source is not significantly different between consumers of branded computers and those of assembled computers.
 4. Risk taking behavior is not significantly different between consumers of branded computers and those of assembled computers.
 5. The activity of collecting promotional infonnation by consumers of assembled computer is significantly related with perfonnance risk.Considering the results, this study proposed several marketing strategies for the computer markets. They include establishing comprehensive service systems, emphasizing brand benefits, and seeking effective communication. Limits of the
 study and future research directions are also suggested. 根據資訊工業策進會的調查發現,國內個人電腦市場中,組裝電腦活躍,佔有率居高不下,其市場佔有率自1993 年的56.6% 上升至1995 年的6 1.6%。相對於組裝電腦市場佔有率的增加,一向被認為擁有強勢行銷力量的知名品牌廠商在電腦的銷售中,不但無法以行銷能力刺激產品銷售量,以達到增加市場佔有率的目標,甚至有無法保有原來市場佔有率的情形發生。
 2. 在時間風險發生的可能性上,組裝電腦消費者對於時間風險發生可能性的知覺低於品牌電腦消費者。
 3. 品牌電腦與組裝電腦消費者之間的資訊搜尋來源沒有顯著的差異。
 4. 品牌電腦與組裝電腦消費者在風險承擔策略上沒有顯著差異。
 5. 組裝電腦消費者的績效風險與產品促銷資訊蒐集有顯著的相關。
關鍵字 知覺風險;風險承擔;perceived risk;risking taking
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 兩岸
研討會時間 19980330~19980330
國別 CHN
公開徵稿 Y
出處 第五屆(98')海峽兩岸管理科學學術研討會論文集,頁251-265

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/21668 )
