
學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 歐盟氣候變遷及再生能源架構規範之分析
作品名稱(其他語言) The Analysis of Eu Climate Changes and Renewable Energy Framework Regulations
著者 林江峰
單位 淡江大學國際貿易學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-062 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:483,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 為確保能源供應之安全性與多樣性及因應後《京都議定書》時期國際對抗氣候變遷之承諾,歐盟理事會決議在2020年前,降低至少20%的溫室氣體排放量及將提升再生能源使用率達20%。歐盟執委會並於2008年1月23日提出氣候與能源包裹立法建議案,範圍涵蓋更新及擴大現行歐盟「排放交易體系」、確定碳捕獲與封存技術、新的再生能源法及共同政府補貼準則等,該等法案預期在明(2009)年通過實施。由於氣候變遷及再生能源乃一快速發展領域,涉及議題,包括:環境保護、消費者利益、產業發展、補貼及貿易等,據此,本計畫乃為歐盟法律之基礎研究,主要目的在於對歐盟氣候變遷及再生能源相關法律與政策實踐,及其對歐盟內部經濟效益與貿易伙伴之影響作一架構性、整體性及持續性之研究,計畫將以三年分期進行研究。第一年研究將聚焦於歐盟再生能源法律相關規範之研究;第二年研究歐盟溫室氣體排放交易制度與規範,及其未來發展之研析;第三年將對歐盟環保補貼、氣體排放交易與再生能源規範之調和,WTO及UNFCCC等國際協定相關規範發展對歐盟環保補貼規範與措施之影響研究。研究重點將涵蓋上述法律建構是採取哪些法律原則、規範模式與政策論證?其如何調和會員國及不同利害關係人之利益?國際氣候變遷相關協定等方面之發展,歐盟新法規扮演何種角色與功能?新法規(如環保補貼)對歐盟未來貿易政策及貿易伙伴(如美國)之影響為何?及其對WTO相關協定之影響為何?另對我國未來環保法規之建構與貿易之影響與啟示亦是本項研究計畫之重點議題。 The European Council of March 2007 agreed to set targets of reduction at least 20% of greenhouse emission and increase the use of renewable energy to 20% in EU energy consumption by 2020 in order to secure energy supply and diversity as well as to contribute to climate change in post Kyoto protocol era. The Commission then submitted its proposals of a new comprehensive package of Directives on the climate changes and renewable energy on January 28, 2008. These proposals, including new Directives of EU emissions trading scheme (ETS), carbon capture and storage, renewable energy, are expected to come into force in 2009. Climate change and renewable energy are fast growing area of studies, and they involve many issues, including environmental protection, consumer interests, industry development, state aid, and trade...est. Thus, the purpose of this project is to have structural and consistent studies of the new EU policies and laws of climate change and renewable energy both internally and internationally. To serve this purpose, this project intends to have a three-year period of studies. The first year of research will focus on new EU renewable laws and supportive measures. The studies in second year will explore issues involve in current and new EU ETS as well as its impact on different interest parties. In addition to discussion of the harmonization of EU rules among state aid for environmental protection, ETS, and renewable energy,the project will also examine the influence of state aid rules therein on similar rules in the WTO and UNFCCC in third year. Research will not only emphasize on the principles, modes, and policies of new Directives but also on exploring how the EU harmonize different economic sector, interest parties, and members states in implementing these new Directives. It will also put emphasis on the possible impact of new Directives on international climate changes agreements and WTO as well as the influence on the development of such agreements. Further, the possible influence the new EU laws on Taiwan’s environmental laws and trade will be also noted.
關鍵字 歐盟; 再生能源; 京都議定書; 排放交易體系; 環保補貼; 碳捕獲與封存; EU; renewable energy; Kyoto protocol; emissions trading scheme; carbon capture and storage; state aid for environmental protection

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/46893 )
