
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
092 / 1 預料到的環保政策與經濟成長:一個內生成長模型 2011-06-09
095 / 1 政府消費性支出與經濟成長 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Productive public expenditure and imperfect competition with endogenous price markup 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Terrorist Threats and Transitional Dynamics in an Overlapping Generations Model 2011-06-09
099 / 1 社會地位、環境政策與經濟成長 2011-06-09
099 / 1 污染管制與經濟成長:一個不完全競爭的總體模型 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Optimal Tax Policy, Market Imperfections, and Environmental Externalities in a Dynamic Optimizing Macro Model 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Government Spending,Capital Accumulation and Optimal Policy Rule :The Role of Public Service Captial 2011-06-09
099 / 1 社會地位追求行為、經濟成長與人口現象 2011-06-09
099 / 1 政府支出與經濟成長:擁擠外部性與不完全競爭 2011-06-09
100 / 1 Growth, Welfare and Transitional Dynamics in an Endogenously Growing Economy with Abatement Labor 2012-10-23
101 / 1 國防支出與國外武力威脅對生育率與經濟成長影響之分析 2013-05-15
101 / 1 過度包裝與經濟成長? 2013-05-15
102 / 1 Consumption Externalities, Market Imperfections, and Optimal Taxation. 2014-07-16
103 / 1 所得稅政策對於經濟成長之影響─以台灣租稅制度為例 2015-03-13
104 / 1 Environmental Policy and Economic Growth: The Macroeconomic Implications of the Health Effect 2016-09-03
104 / 1 Environmental Consciousness, Economic Growth, and Macroeconomic Instability. 2016-09-03
107 / 1 生產性政府支出與經濟成長關係的再探討: 個人所得稅與營利事業所得稅融通政策之比較 2019-02-20
110 / 1 Consumption aspirations in dirty and clean goods and economic growth 2021-12-15
110 / 1 消費外部性與經濟成長:兩部門模型的意涵 2021-12-15
112 / 1 Corporate social responsibility, social optimum, and the environment-growth tradeoff 2024-01-06
112 / 1 環境汙染、疾病傳播與經濟成長 2024-01-06