
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
101 / 1 Does online interactivity matter? Exploring the role of interactivity strategies in consumer decision making #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2013-05-15
101 / 1 Understanding customers’ satisfaction and repurchase intentions: An integration of IS success model, trust, and justice #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2013-05-15
103 / 1 Beyond the Credibility of Electronic Word of Mouth: Exploring eWOM Adoption on Social Networking Sites from Affective and Curiosity Perspectives #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #10.減少不平等 2015-03-13
103 / 1 On Online Repurchase Intentions: Antecedents and the Moderating Role of Switching Cost #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Understanding Customers’ Repeat Purchase Intentions in B2C E-commerce: The Roles of Utilitarian Value, Hedonic Value, and Perceived Risk 2015-03-13
103 / 1 以期望理論及公平理論探討線上服務失誤補救 2015-03-13
105 / 1 How online service recovery approaches bolster recovery performance? A multi-level perspective 2017-05-18
105 / 1 Building Community Citizenship Behaviors: The Relative Role of Attachment and Satisfaction 2017-05-18
106 / 1 Involuntary Migration in Cyberspaces: The Case of MSN Messenger Discontinuation 2018-07-26
106 / 1 Beyond the Usefulness of Branded Applications: Insights from Consumer-Brand Engagement and Self-Construal Perspectives 2018-07-26
107 / 1 On Electronic Word-of-Mouth Diffusion in Social Networks: Curiosity and Influence 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Exploring Task-Service Fit and Usefulness on Branded Applications Continuance 2019-02-20
107 / 1 Coping with Fear and Guilt using Mobile Social Networking Applications: Knowledge Hiding, Loafing, and Sharing #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #10.減少不平等 2019-02-20
108 / 1 遊戲「直播」間?遊戲化對直播持續使用意圖之影響 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2020-04-15
108 / 1 An app a day keeps a customer connected: Explicating loyalty to brands and branded applications through the lens of affordance and service-dominant logic #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2020-04-15
109 / 1 Top-Down Knowledge Hiding and Innovative Work Behavior (IWB): A Three-way Moderated-Mediation Analysis of Self-Efficacy and Local/Foreign Status #10.減少不平等 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2021-03-23
109 / 1 Top-Down Knowledge Hiding in Organizations: An Empirical Study of the Consequences of Supervisor Knowledge Hiding Among Local and Foreign Workers in the Middle East #10.減少不平等 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2021-03-23
109 / 1 Predicting Continuance Intention toward Mobile Branded Apps through Satisfaction and Attachment #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2021-03-23
110 / 1 How does participation and browsing affect continuance intention in virtual communities? An integration of curiosity theory and subjective well-being 2021-12-15
110 / 1 Building Brand Loyalty and Endorsement with Brand Pages: Integration of the Lens of Affordance and Customer-dominant Logic #04.優質教育 2021-12-15
111 / 1 Toward better purchase decision-performance: Linking person-environment fit to explorative and exploitative use of branded applications 2023-11-29
111 / 1 Value proposition as a catalyst for innovative service experience: the case of smart-tourism destinations 2023-11-29
111 / 1 The More We Get Together, The More We Can Save? A Transaction Cost Perspective 2023-11-29
112 / 1 Does the Sharing Economy Change Conventional Consumption Modes? 2024-01-06
112 / 1 A Dual Process Model of Help-Seeking on Social Media Websites 2024-01-06
112 / 1 Go Green, Go Social: Exploring the Antecedents of Pro-environmental Behaviors in Social Networking Sites Beyond Norm Activation Theory 2024-01-06