
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 Normal and Abnormal Information Transmissions: Evidence from China’s Stock Markets #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Political Elections and Foreign Investor Trading in South Korea’s Financial Market #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Permanent and Transitory Components in the Chinese Stock Market: The ARJI-Trend Model #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Jump Risk of Presidential Election: Evidence from Taiwan Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Nonlinear adjustment of short-term deviations impacts on the US real estate market #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
098 / 1 What Proportion of Renewable Energy Supplies Is Needed to Initially Mitigate CO2 Emissions in OECD Member Countries? #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Friends or enemies? Foreign investors in Taiwan #04.優質教育 2011-06-09
100 / 1 Value-at-risk estimation with the optimal dynamic biofuel portfolio #04.優質教育 2012-10-23
101 / 1 Effects of structural changes on the risk characteristics of REIT returns #04.優質教育 2013-05-15
102 / 1 One Gold, Two Currencies: Price Discovery between Spot Exchange Rate and Implied Exchange Rate Derived from Futures #04.優質教育 2014-07-16
104 / 1 不動產買賣與拍賣次級市場流動性影響因素 #04.優質教育 2016-09-03
107 / 1 VIX期貨與VIX交易所交易商品價格發現的實證研究 #04.優質教育 2019-02-20
111 / 1 Dynamic correlations in bond markets between US and emerging countries 2023-11-29