
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
080 / 1 Supersymmetry in the line /surface functional theory of strings and p-branes 2011-06-09
082 / 1 1.Operator Algebra in Chern-Simons Theory on a Torus 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Deformed Fokker-Planck Equations 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Deforme Multivariable Fokker-Planck Equations 2011-06-09
087 / 1 Morse-type frenkel-kontorova model. 2011-06-09
092 / 1 在庫侖場及磁場下之狄拉克電子 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Simultaneous ordinary and type A N-fold supersymmetries in Schrodinger, Pauli, and Dirac equations 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Quasi-exact solvability of planar Dirac electron in Coulomb and magnetic fields 2011-06-09
090 / 1 2.環面上及有限密度下由威爾生線引發之交替對稱破壞及還原現象 2011-06-09
090 / 1 3.庫侖場及磁場中之狄拉克電子 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Scattering of spin-polarized electron in an Aharonov-Bohm potential 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Simultaneous type A Nu-fold supersymmetry with two different values of Nu 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Quasi-exactly solvable quasinormal modes 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Quasi-exactly solvable Fokker-Planck equations 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Quasi-exact solvability of Dirac - Pauli equation and generalized Dirac oscillators 2011-06-09
090 / 1 1.具純量庫侖場之狄拉克方程之分數費未子數 2011-06-09
089 / 1 On the use of mellin transform to a class of q-difference-differential equations 2011-06-09
097 / 1 A perturbative approach to a Class of Fokker-Planck equations 2011-06-09
091 / 1 外場下帶電粒子作為準精確可解模型之統一解法 2011-06-09
088 / 1 Pair production of charged vector bosons in supercritical magnetic fields at finite temperatures 2011-06-09
087 / 1 Universality in the Frankel-Kontorova model with a Cosh-Type interaction 2011-06-09
084 / 1 Induced θ-term in Nambu-Juna-Lastinio model at finite temperatures 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Prepotential approach to exact and quasi-exact solvabilities 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Simple unified derivation and solution of Coulomb, Eckart and Rosen-Morse potentials in Prepotential approach 2011-06-09
086 / 1 W-Infinity and SLq(2) algbras in the landau problem and chernsimons theory on a torus 2011-06-09
086 / 1 Quantum group symmetry in multiple chern-Simous theory on a torus. 2011-06-09
081 / 1 Anyon Eqation on a torus 2011-06-09
080 / 1 Supersymmetry in the line/Surface Functional Theory of Strings and p-branes 2011-06-09
083 / 1 環面上陳一西門氏理論之算子代數。 2011-06-09
085 / 1 W∞ and slg algebras in the landau problem and chernsimons theory on a torus 2011-06-09
084 / 1 Spherelike solutions in surface functional theory and dirac′s membrane model 2011-06-09
091 / 1 強磁場中的核子及電子氣之化學平衡 2011-06-09
097 / 1 A novel quasi-exactly solvable model with total transmission modes 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Stabilizing quantum metastable States in a time-periodic potential 2011-06-09
082 / 1 Braid Group Representation of Anyon Theory on a Torus 2011-06-09
088 / 1 Two-dimensioned gases of generalized statistics in a uniform magnetic field 2011-06-09
083 / 1 Generalized commutators and deformation of styong coupling superconductivity 2011-06-09
080 / 1 (新聘博士學位第一年免附著作) 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Quasi-exact solvability of the Pauli equation 2011-06-09
082 / 1 2.Symmetry Breaking by Wilson Lines and Finite Temperature and Density Effects 2011-06-09
097 / 1 Stabilizing Quantum Metastable States in a Time-dependent Potential 2011-06-09
085 / 1 Spherelike solutions in surface functional theory and dirac's membrane model 2011-06-09
081 / 1 Anyon Equation on a Torus 2011-06-09
081 / 1 Anyon Equation on a Torus 2011-06-09
082 / 1 Wilson Lines 對稱破壞及有限溫度與密度效應 2011-06-09
095 / 1 Quantum metastability in time-periodic potentials 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Fermion pair production in planar Coulomb and Aharonov--Bohm potentials 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Quasi-exact solvability of Dirac equation with Lorentz scalar potential 2011-06-09
093 / 1 Quantum metastability in a class of moving potentials 2011-06-09
100 / 1 Quantum entangelment, unitary braid representation And Temperley-Lieb algebra 2012-10-23
100 / 1 Shape invariance in prepotential approach to exactly solvable models 2012-10-23
101 / 1 Prepotential approach to Quasinormal modes 2013-05-15
101 / 1 Dirac(-Pauli),Fokker-Planck equations and exceptional Laguerre polynomials 2013-05-15
101 / 1 Similarty solution of a class of perturbative Fokker-Planck equation 2013-05-15
102 / 1 Prepotential approach to solvable rational potentials and exceptional orthogonal polynomials 2014-07-16
102 / 1 Prepotential approach to solvable rational extensions of harmonic oscillator and Morse potentials 2014-07-16
102 / 1 Properties of the exceptional (Xl) Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials 2014-07-16
103 / 1 Similarity solutions of the Fokker–Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Generalized Rayleigh and Jacobi processes and exceptional orthogonal polynomials 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with moving boundaries 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Degrees of entanglement for multipartite systems 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Confluence of apparent singularities in multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials: the Jacobi case 2015-03-13
103 / 1 Scattering Amplitudes for Multi-indexed Extensions of Solvable Potentials 2015-03-13
104 / 1 Extensions of a class of similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients and fixed/moving boundaries 2016-09-03
104 / 1 Scattering Amplitudes for Multi-indexed Extensions of Solvable Potentials 2016-09-03
104 / 1 Localization and recurrence of a quantum walk in a periodic potential on a line 2016-09-03
105 / 1 Dirac equation with complex potentials 2017-05-18
105 / 1 On zero energy states in graphene 2017-05-18
106 / 1 Similarity solutions of Reaction-Diffusion equation with space- and time-dependent diffusion and reaction terms 2018-07-26
106 / 1 Modified Kortweg-de Vries equation approach to zero-energy states of graphene 2018-07-26
106 / 1 Multi-indexed Extensions of Soliton Potential and Extended Integer Solitons of KdV Equation 2018-07-26
107 / 1 Multi-qudit states generated by unitary braid quantum gates based on Temperley-Lieb algebra 2019-02-20
108 / 1 A Spectral Analysis of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks Related to the Birth and Death Chains 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Generalized Dirac Oscillators with position-dependent mass 2020-04-15
108 / 1 Convection-Diffusion-Reaction equation with similarity solutions 2020-04-15
110 / 1 Similarity solutions for a class of Fractional Reaction-Diffusion equation 2021-12-15
111 / 1 Discrete orthogonality relations for multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials 2023-11-29
112 / 1 Time-dependent Darboux transformation and supersymmetric hierarchy of Fokker–Planck equations 2024-01-06