
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
109 / 2 北商大高教深耕計畫賽局理論課程演講: How Good Is a Two-Party Election Game? #04.優質教育 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2022-03-12
104 / 1 赴交大資管所演講: Network Creation Games: Foundations and Ongoing Work #04.優質教育 2021-10-26
110 / 1 2021 Summer School on Operations Research and Applications. Research Talk: How Good Is a Two-Party Election Game? #04.優質教育 2021-10-26
110 / 1 北商大高教深耕計畫業師協同教學網頁程式設計課程演講: Case Studies of Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Market Microstructures #04.優質教育 2022-03-24
110 / 1 中興資管系課堂演講: No-Regret Online Learning Algorithms #04.優質教育 2021-12-02
110 / 1 陽明交通大學資管所演講: Case Studies of Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Market Microstructures #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2021-12-02
110 / 2 至銘傳大學資傳系演講 Case Studies of Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Market Microstrutures #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-03-05
110 / 2 台北商業大學網頁程式設計課程演講 - Applications of Data Science and Machine Learning Techniques in Hedge Funds #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2022-03-24
110 / 2 北商大科技外語課程專題演講 - Introduction to Property Testing #04.優質教育 2022-06-02
111 / 1 陽明交大資管所演講 (全英語): A Sketch of Nash's Theorem from Fixed Point Theorems #04.優質教育 2022-10-19
112 / 1 中興資科所演講: A Game-Theoretic Exploration on Group Competition and Formation through Online Learning Algorithms. #04.優質教育 2023-12-24