
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 2 A comprehensive outsourcing analysis from the systemic dynamics perspective 2011-10-20
098 / 1 An Empirical Investigation of the Impacts of ERP Consultant Selections and Project Management on ERP IS Success 2011-10-20
097 / 2 Elucidating the effect of outsourcing on the supplier relationship 2011-10-20
100 / 1 Environmental Costs for Corporate Social Responsibility Programs under Activity-Based Costing 2011-10-20
100 / 1 How to Manage Intellectual Capital Efficiency to Cope with Operational Crisis in Financial Tsunami 2011-10-20
090 / 1 Incorporating Demand Price Elasticity and Capacity Expansion Features into Product-Mix Decision Analysis for Adding New Products under Activity-Based Costing 2011-10-20
099 / 1 中國企業的CSR報告特別重視環境議題的揭露? 2012-01-09
099 / 2 企業社會責任、盈餘管理及財務績效之關聯性-日本實證(Corporate Social Responsibility, Earnings Management and Financial Performance-Evidence from Japan) 2011-10-20
099 / 2 企業社會責任能增加中國企業的市場價值?(Can CSR increase the Market Value of Chinese Firms?) 2011-10-20
090 / 1 企業資源規劃系統之採用與企業經濟利潤關係之研究 2011-10-20
099 / 2 多角化活動與盈餘管理─探討企業綠色聲譽的干擾效果(Diversification and Earnings Management: Corporate Green Reputation as a Moderator) 2011-10-20
089 / 2 作業成本制下增添新產品之產品組合決策分析—考量需求的價格彈性與產能擴充之特性 2011-10-20
099 / 2 商管學院教師對永續發展議題有興趣嗎?-以全球AACSB認證大學為例 2011-10-20
097 / 2 探究日本企業執行環境會計之責任與績效---生態環境效率的觀點 2013-11-09
082 / 1 實證1981到1990美、日總私人國內投資和七個經濟指標間的相關分析 2011-10-20
100 / 2 Environmental News Exposure, Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Legitimacy 2013-06-20
103 / 2 實質性環境資訊揭露對企業價值的影響-從環境創新觀點 2016-01-26
102 / 2 管理者有效率的回應氣候變遷減緩承諾嗎? 2016-01-26
102 / 1 The Non-Linear Relationship between Partner's Gender Diversity and Profit Performance among Accounting Firms 2017-05-10
101 / 1 How to Increase Enterprise Competitiveness? Green Management as a Mediator in Corporate Greening 2016-01-26
100 / 2 Environmental News Exposure, Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Legitimacy 2016-01-26
101 / 2 慈善捐贈與營收成長-中國的實證 2016-03-31
102 / 2 多元化.企業慈善捐贈與競爭優勢之關聯性研究-中國的實證 2016-03-31
104 / 2 Constructing Taiwan’s Motorcycle Diffusion Model Against Government Subsidy 2016-09-19
107 / 2 管理能力對企業參與碳揭露計畫之影響-以日經500為例 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #12.負責任的消費與生產 #13.氣候行動 2020-03-16
107 / 2 實質性環境資訊揭露之成因—以中國為例 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #12.負責任的消費與生產 #13.氣候行動 2020-03-16
106 / 2 精實製造程序、產品多樣化及外包策略對企業財務績效及碳排強度之影響 2020-03-16
108 / 2 政治活動能力及循環經濟強度對環境的影響 #04.優質教育 #13.氣候行動 2020-09-16
108 / 2 循環經濟和環境認證對企業碳行為之影響 #04.優質教育 #13.氣候行動 2020-09-16
108 / 2 企業成為低碳領導廠商的因素探討-以日本為例 #04.優質教育 #13.氣候行動 2020-09-16