096 / 1 |
2012-10-26 |
096 / 2 |
2012-10-26 |
095 / 1 |
2012-10-26 |
097 / 2 |
2012-10-26 |
095 / 2 |
Repetition is a Transgression: Simulacrum, Actualization of Virtuality, and Translation
2012-10-29 |
099 / 2 |
Reconsiderning "Difference" in Translation
2012-10-29 |
098 / 1 |
Marcel's Narrative and Albertine's Face
2012-10-29 |
097 / 2 |
History and After/life in Walter Benjamin's 'The Task of the Translator'
2012-10-29 |
099 / 2 |
Foreignizing Translation and Deterritorialization of Language: From Effects to Affects
2012-10-29 |
099 / 2 |
Difference, Repetition, and the Turns of Translation Theory
2015-02-12 |
100 / 2 |
Revisiting Literal Translation in the Era of Globalization
2015-02-12 |
100 / 2 |
Surface, Image, and Literal Translation
2015-02-12 |
101 / 2 |
The Detective who is Fractured, Dissolved: A Deleuzian Reading of Orhan Pamuk’s The Black Book
2015-02-12 |
101 / 2 |
‘I had become that eye’: Geographical Detection and Becoming Other
2015-02-12 |
102 / 1 |
2015-02-12 |
102 / 2 |
Ageing and Death in Houellebecq’s The Possibility of an Island
2015-02-12 |
103 / 2 |
Individuation and a Life: Reading Poe’s Morella
2016-01-26 |
104 / 2 |
Adaptation as Creative Evolution: Rethinking Adaptation in terms of Life
2016-09-19 |
105 / 2 |
“In the Eyes of the Hysteric—Sensation and Force in Poe’s Writing”
2018-04-20 |
107 / 2 |
2020-03-19 |
112 / 2 |
2024-06-05 |