
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
098 / 1 作者自我引用與 h 指數:以環境工程領域為例 2011-05-20
095 / 1 層面分類的概念與應用 2011-05-20
093 / 1 Essential patent indicators for the evaluation of industrial technological innovation competitiveness 2011-05-20
099 / 2 Research status and trends of library and information science in Taiwan, 2001-2010 2012-03-05
094 / 2 臺灣與中國圖書館館員期刊文獻發表之比較研究 2011-09-13
102 / 1 Where does author self-citation occur? A Citation context analysis 2013-10-01
103 / 1 Comparative Study of Journal Impact Factor and Self-Citation Across Asian International Journals 2014-09-19
104 / 1 The Characteristics of Journals Suppressed by JCR in Scopus 2016-05-16
105 / 1 Citizen participation, controversial social issues, and the information services of public libraries: the perspective of librarians in Taiwan 2018-03-19
105 / 2 The differences of first-citation in IS&LS journal articles 2017-11-07
107 / 1 What indicators matter? The Analysis of perception toward research assessment indicators and Leiden Manifesto - The Case study of Taiwan 2018-10-22
108 / 1 A study of open access APC in Taiwan 2019-10-24
108 / 1 How open are journal articles with open access topic? 2019-10-17
106 / 1 社會科學學術期刊論文 作者自我抄襲之探索性研究 2021-02-22
109 / 1 Open Access in Taiwan #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2021-02-22
108 / 1 開放取用期刊及其作者文章處理費制度: 以臺灣作者發表的論文為例之探索性研究 2021-02-22
108 / 2 問對問題找答案:提升學生閱讀力與資訊素養 2021-02-24
109 / 1 如何對治 OA 期刊的不良副作用 -- 掠奪型期刊 #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2021-02-24
110 / 1 臺灣作者 發表於開放取用期刊之論文及其論文處理費 2021-12-02
111 / 2 Exploring Open Access Journal APC from a Macroscopic Perspective: International Comparison between Taiwan and Benchmark Countries #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2023-08-15
111 / 2 Analysis of the academic impact associated with the Altmetrics of Ig Nobel Prize #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2024-01-29