
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 2 Waltz together or trip each other up? An investigation on team teachers’ interactions and relationship 2012-10-26
092 / 2 Using real-life materials to motivate ESOL students 2012-10-26
095 / 2 Team teaching and teachers’ professional learning 2012-10-29
095 / 2 Teacher development in the context of team teaching 2012-10-29
097 / 1 Teacher Beliefs and Practice in Responding to EFL Student Writing 2012-10-29
099 / 1 Empowering Non-Native English Speaking Teaching Professionals through Moodle Discussion 2012-10-29
101 / 1 An Investigation on the Roles of Grammar and Vocabulary Knowledge in an Advanced L2 Reader’s Reading Performance 2020-03-11
100 / 1 Facilitating Collaborative Interactions and Professional Development through Online Discussions: a Case Study of English Team Teachers in Taiwan. 2015-02-21
101 / 2 An Investigation of Communicative strategies and Pragmatics: EIL Communication of Taiwanese and Japanese University Students in a Cross-Cultural Distance Learning Course. 2015-02-21
102 / 2 Attitudes toward English and Self-identities: An Investigation on the Impact of Online Cross-Cultural Discussions 2015-03-16
103 / 2 Visualizing Community of Practice in English as a Lingua Franca Communications 2016-04-01
106 / 1 Teacher practicum for English major students: A project for pre-service teacher training as well as exploration of career paths 2020-03-11
108 / 1 Teaching Locally, Thinking Globally: The Effect of Online Intercultural Exchanges on Teacher's Beliefs and Attitudes Toward ELF 2021-08-07
111 / 1 探索多元文化校園:建構大學生 以英語為共同語之跨文化溝通能力 2023-03-24
112 / 1 奠定全英語課程的基石:透過教學平台NEARPOD及製作YOUTUBE影片​ 培養學習專業之英語能力​ 2023-11-29