
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
101 / 1 Organizational Structure, Corporate Governance and Selection of Actuaries in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-03-19
100 / 2 Organizational Structure, Board Composition and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-03-19
100 / 2 Internal Capital Markets and Lobbying Activity by Insurer Groups 2014-03-19
100 / 1 Executive Compensation, Board Structure and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-08-22
100 / 1 Organizational Structure, Corporate Governance and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2014-09-23
100 / 1 The Determinants of the Select of Auditor and Actuarial Firm in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2014-09-23
099 / 2 Executive Compensation and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. 2012-10-17
099 / 2 The Determinants of the Selection of Auditor and Actuarial Firm in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2012-10-17
099 / 1 The Determinants of Selection of Auditor and Actuarial Firm in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-08-22
099 / 1 Board Composition, Risk Management and Corporate Performance in the Taiwan Life Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2014-09-23
099 / 1 An Examination of Property-Liability Insurer Liquidity Creation 2014-08-22
098 / 1 Organizational Structure, Board Composition and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-08-22
098 / 1 Insurer Liquidity Creation: The Evidence from U.S. Property and Liability Insurance Industry 2012-10-17
097 / 1 Organizational Structure, Corporate Governance and Risk taking in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-08-22
096 / 2 Corporate Governance, Audit Quality and Risk Taking in the U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance industry 2014-08-26
096 / 2 The Fair Premium and Implied Reserves of the Deposit Insurance Fund in Taiwan #04.優質教育 2014-09-23
095 / 1 The Fair Premium and Implied Reserves of the Deposit Insurance Fund in Taiwan 2014-08-22
101 / 1 組織結構、公司治理與精算公司選任--美國產險業之實証研究 2014-08-25
100 / 2 The Impact of Reinsurance Utilization on Price and Return: Evidence from the U.S. Property/Liability Insurance 2012-10-18
102 / 1 Ownership Structure and Reinsurance Decisions: Evidence from the Property Casualty Insurance Industry in China 2014-07-14
102 / 1 The impact of Ownership Structure on Reinsurance Demand in the Chinese Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2014-03-19
102 / 1 台灣保經代公司簽署人制度之探討 2014-03-19
102 / 1 The Impact of CEO Turnover on Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry 2014-03-19
102 / 1 CEO Turnover and Risk Taking in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry 2014-03-21
101 / 1 CEO Turnover and Risk Taking in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry 2014-03-21
101 / 2 Determinants of Lobbing Activity in the Life and Health Insurance Industry 2014-03-19
101 / 2 Agency Problems and Lobbying Activity by Insurer Groups 2014-03-21
101 / 1 An Examination of US Life Insurer Liquidity Creation 2014-03-19
100 / 1 Executive Compensation and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry 2014-03-19
101 / 2 公司治理對壽險業自由現金流量影響之研究 2014-03-21
102 / 2 總經理更迭與公司治理機制對臺灣壽險業經營績效之研究 2014-07-02
102 / 2 Market Power, Risk-Taking and Solvency in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry 2014-09-08
103 / 1 Organizational Structure, Corporate Governance and Free Cash Flow in the U.S. Life Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2014-09-08
103 / 2 Loss Reserve Estimating and Actuaries Switching in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2015-04-10
103 / 1 Actuaries Switching and Reserve Error in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2015-04-10
103 / 2 壽險業設立風險管理機制對風險承擔之影響 #04.優質教育 2015-04-22
104 / 1 Organizational Structure, Corporate Governance, Loss Reserve Error and Actuaries Switching in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2015-09-23
105 / 1 CEO Overconfidence or Private Information? Evidence from U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies #04.優質教育 2017-02-21
105 / 2 Organizational Structure, Board Composition and Derivative Usage in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2017-11-09
105 / 2 長期照護保險停效因素探討 #04.優質教育 2017-12-05
106 / 1 Derivatives Use, Risk Taking, and Managerial Compensation in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Firms #04.優質教育 2017-12-19
106 / 2 高齡化社會的省思~第三人生 #04.優質教育 2018-04-20
106 / 2 Adverse Selection: Evidence from Commercial Surgery and Hospitalization Health Insurance #04.優質教育 2018-10-04
106 / 2 Derivatives Hedging, Risk Appetite, and Managerial Compensation Incentives in U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies #04.優質教育 2018-10-04
107 / 1 Derivatives Hedging, Risk Appetite, and Managerial Compensation Incentives in U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies #04.優質教育 2018-10-04
107 / 2 維護老年人的人權與創造生命價值 #04.優質教育 2019-04-24
107 / 1 Adverse Selection in the Private Surgery and Hospitalization Health Insurance #03.良好健康和福祉 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #11.永續城市與社區 2019-04-24
107 / 2 Types of Illness, Distribution System, Agent Quality and Detection of Health Insurance Fraud #03.良好健康和福祉 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #11.永續城市與社區 2019-10-15
107 / 2 Type of Illness, Distribution System, Agent Quality and Health Insurance Fraud Detection #03.良好健康和福祉 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #11.永續城市與社區 2019-10-15
108 / 1 An Analysis of Post Demutualization in the Property-Liability Insurance Industry #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #11.永續城市與社區 2019-10-16
108 / 1 Derivatives Hedging, Risk Appetite, and Managerial Compensation Incentives in U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Firms #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #11.永續城市與社區 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2020-03-18
109 / 2 The Effects of Taiwan's DRGs-Based Payment System on the Private Health Insurance Market #03.良好健康和福祉 #04.優質教育 2022-02-24
110 / 1 Moral Hazard Problem in Private Health Insurance Market - the Impact from Diagnosis-Related Groups Payment System #03.良好健康和福祉 #04.優質教育 2022-02-24
110 / 1 The Effects of Taiwan's DRGs-Based Payment System on the Private Health Insurance Market #03.良好健康和福祉 #04.優質教育 2022-02-24
110 / 2 Does Underwriting Matter in the Context of Adverse Selection? Evidence from Health Information Release Effect on the Private Health Insurance #04.優質教育 2023-03-06
111 / 1 The Moral Hazard Problem in the Private Health Insurance Market -the Impact of Diagnosis-Related Groups Payment System #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2023-03-06
111 / 1 Does Underwriting Matter in the Context of Adverse Selection? Evidence from Health Information Release Effect in the Private Health Insurance #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2023-03-06
111 / 2 後疫情時代邁向全球永續發展的行動 #03.良好健康和福祉 #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #11.永續城市與社區 2023-03-24
111 / 2 Medical Examination and Underwriting Performance: Evidence from the Private Health Insurance Market #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2023-09-13
111 / 2 Medical Examination, Underwriting Decision and Performance: Evidence from the Private Health Insurance Market #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2023-09-13
112 / 1 Analyzing Determinants of Claims Investigation Actions in Private Health Insurance #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2024-01-10
113 / 1 Unveiling the Black Box: Determinants of Claims Investigation in Private Health Insurance 2024-09-30
112 / 2 Determinants of Claims Investigation Actions in Private Health Insurance 2024-10-01