
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 e-portfolio 2.0 電子學習歷程檔案系統的概念與整合 2010-06-16
095 / 1 學習輔導支援在大學教育中之重新定位 2010-06-16
095 / 1 概念與原則學習內容融入網路教學平台策略性教學工具之設計 2010-06-16
094 / 2 從鄉土地圖教學網站看圖形組織在國小社會學習領域之應用與實踐 2010-06-16
094 / 2 媒體教材應用於國小一年級學生注音教學 2010-06-16
094 / 2 概念與程序內容「對應教學策略之圖像設計原則」之探討 2010-06-16
094 / 2 探討現有電腦輔助語言學習教材在英語閱讀策略上之分析 2010-06-16
094 / 2 中國大陸遠距教育學習支持服務系統之現況給台灣的啟示 2010-06-16
097 / 1 UFolio_Redefinition of Learning Assessment System 2010-06-16
096 / 2 網路教學平台介面評估指標發展之研究 2010-06-16
097 / 1 數位典藏專業培訓數位課程設計與發展-數位典藏相關標準與規格 2010-06-16
094 / 1 The current status of instructional technology in the higher education of Taiwan 2010-06-16
095 / 2 大一新生學習支援需求趨勢之初探:以淡江大學為例 2010-06-16
096 / 2 從教材到課程:數位學習的教學設計與經營 2010-06-16
097 / 1 從高等教育學門差異探究學生學習風格與教學策略之研究 2010-06-16
099 / 2 The Development of Rapid e-learning Tools selection process for Cognitive and Psychomotor Learning Objective 2011-07-27
099 / 2 The Development of Rapid e-learning Tools selection process for Cognitive and Psychomotor Learning Objectives 2011-07-27
094 / 2 多媒體教材應用於國小一年級學生注音教學 2011-09-27
097 / 1 以數位學習教學設計原則進行混成式課程之探討-以「數位典藏Metadata標準概論」為例 2011-09-27
097 / 2 部落格在語文寫作教學上之應用探討 2011-09-27
098 / 2 針對不同學習風格學習者的多媒體呈現原則歸納與分析研究 2011-09-27
098 / 2 引起女性動機的遊戲學習設計因素 2011-09-27
098 / 2 融入問題導向學習策略之數位學習平台初探 2011-09-27
097 / 2 The Effects of Web Searching Strategies on Elementary School Students 2011-09-27
092 / 2 Principle and understanding of E-portfolio 2011-09-30
087 / 2 Web site as a distance education support system 2011-09-30
098 / 1 Constructing the 2D adventure game-based assessment system 2011-09-30
100 / 1 Development of context awareness learning system: For elementary Chinese language learning 2012-05-22
100 / 1 Development of RFID English Learning Supporting System for Elementary School Students in Taiwan 2014-08-13
099 / 2 uFolio: A conceptual design framework for a learning platform and assessment system 2014-08-13
099 / 2 Usability assessment for a problem-based e-learning program in convenience store new employee training 2014-08-13
099 / 2 英語活化課程與學習經驗對國小學童英語學習態度之研究 2012-05-22
099 / 1 媒體呈現方式對國小學童閱讀訊息理解與注意力之影響研究 2012-05-22
101 / 1 以情境感知技術融入情境式學習策略之系統雛形研究:以初階華語教學為例 2012-05-22
099 / 1 A framework of PBL strategy integrated in LMS and a ubiquitous learning environment 2014-08-13
100 / 2 The Effects of Media Presentations on Reading Comprehension and Attention for the Third Grade Students in Taiwan 2012-08-01
101 / 2 Integration of a prototype strategical tool on LMS for concept learning 2014-07-17
101 / 2 Usability Testing to Multi-Language Websites Interface Design and the Preferences of Cross-Cultural Users. 2014-07-17
100 / 1 Development of context awareness learning system for elementary Chinese language learning 2014-08-22
098 / 1 Online Workshop for Learning Strategies to Improve College Freshmen Learning 2014-10-22
101 / 2 Integration of a prototype strategical tool on LMS for concept learning 2015-03-20
102 / 2 Design and development of a Sifteo Cubes game for Chinese proverbs learning 2015-03-20
103 / 2 Integration of Situated Learning and Context Awareness Technology into Elementary School English Learning 2015-08-20
105 / 2 Beverage preparation system with a tangible user interface for vocational school training 2017-12-05
106 / 2 應用合作學習影響高職學生數學學習成就之行動研究 #04.優質教育 2018-11-05
106 / 1 網路非正式學習的自我覺察與學習態度及學習行為關聯性研究 #04.優質教育 2018-11-05
105 / 1 應用實體觸控使用者介面工具於高職調酒模擬之設計與發展 #04.優質教育 2018-11-05