
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
094 / 2 變向虛擬社群: 《電車男》與作為紀錄書寫的敘事政治 2012-10-26
096 / 1 Tower of Power: Cultural Politics of Nostalgia under Globalization 2012-10-26
093 / 2 The Popular Imaginary Communities in torendi-dorama:Prhila,family Spirit and nakama-ishiki 2012-10-26
095 / 2 Stranger on a Train:Denshaotoko, Serialization, and Otaku Cosmopolitanism 2012-10-29
094 / 1 Globalization and Everyday “Narratives”: Toward a Poetics of Hypertextuality 2012-10-29
096 / 1 Imag(e)ing ‘Kawaii’ Gayness: Nakamaishiki and queer communities 2012-10-29
101 / 1 Becoming-Plutonium: Imaging Disaster in Collapsing World 2014-07-14
101 / 2 Becoming-Woman in Post-311 Comics 2014-07-14
101 / 2 Pores R’ Us: Image of Comics, Image of Disaster 2014-07-14
101 / 2 漫畫、性別與311的情感政治 2014-07-14
100 / 2 Sounds and Furies: Politics of affects in Summer's End, 1945 2013-12-06
100 / 2 漫畫如何解像歷史:〈霧社事件〉的對位法 2013-12-09
099 / 1 BL漫畫、德勒茲、與「聲響式」腐女想像 2013-12-09
099 / 2 Attraction of the Black Hole: Schumann’s cri(s)es and Deleuzian delusion 2013-12-09
099 / 2 Becoming Oriental, Becoming Imperceptible: Schumann and assemblage of desire 2013-12-09
099 / 2 Silent Music': Desiring-machine and Femininity in Music-Themed Comics 2014-09-11
099 / 2 交響腐人夢:情感機器與聲像轉碼 2013-12-09
098 / 1 Spasmodic Philosophy, Irritational Music: Deleuze, C.P.E. Bach and Empfindsamkeit 2013-12-09
097 / 2 Fall from Grace: The Risk in Fujoshi Autobiographics 2013-12-09
097 / 1 A Frankensteinian Gaze into Soseki: Fujoshi visual rhetoric of comics Kokoro 2013-12-09
096 / 2 德勒茲思想中錯亂囈語式的「音樂般思考」 2013-12-09
096 / 1 〈逸想卡哇依(可愛い)的酷兒性:《西洋骨董洋果子店》裏 2013-12-09
100 / 1 BL漫畫、德勒茲、與「聲響式」腐女想像 2013-12-09
104 / 1 “Still Waiting”: Speculating limbo in Interstellar 2016-01-25
103 / 2 Con Moto: Re-theorizing Commotions and Power in East Asia #17.夥伴關係 2016-01-25
109 / 1 台灣恐怖遊戲的分身與情感 #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 2021-04-22
109 / 1 〈「分體」:重思遊戲與分身〉。翻譯德勒茲:德勒茲 思想的翻譯、轉化與創造 #04.優質教育 2021-04-22
106 / 2 遊戲化,(反)美學,半面主義 #04.優質教育 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2021-04-22
103 / 2 〈「未來的」災難:《福爾摩莎災與難》中的懷舊與記憶〉 #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 2021-04-22
112 / 1 『無人戰事』的元島嶼性 2025-03-10
112 / 1 「異人」思想與科技的錯位糾纏 2025-03-10
112 / 1 台韓露營系文本的在地與外延 2025-03-10
112 / 2 The Rise of Agentics: AI and Play 2025-03-10
113 / 1 Ghost in the AI Shell:電玩中的魂與殼 2025-03-10
113 / 1 〈Meta-irony 時代的半面主義〉 2025-03-10