106 / 1 |
Multicompetent EFL Writers' Composing Process and Multicompetent Development Across Languages
2020-03-17 |
105 / 2 |
EFL Writers' Use of Linguistic Repertoire When They Write Argumentative Essays
2020-03-17 |
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The Systemic Functional Approach with the L1 Rhetorical Structure as a Strategy in Writing Class
2020-03-17 |
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2020-03-17 |
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2020-03-17 |
107 / 1 |
Let's translanguage! EFL writer's act of translanguaging across languages
2020-03-17 |
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CSL 與 NCL 學習者在中、英文文章代詞的運用
2020-03-17 |
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Fluidity of EFL Writer's Language Use: From L1 to L2 or From L1+L2 to L During Composing Process
2020-03-17 |
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Dialogues between points that form lines and then plane
2020-03-17 |
108 / 1 |
Move analysis: Novice L2 writers' introductory paragraphs to essays across languages and genres
2020-03-19 |
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10-22 = 阿賴耶 10-23 = 阿摩羅 10-24 = 涅槃寂靜
2021-03-05 |
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2022-01-21 |
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A move analysis of introductory paragraphs in Chinese L2 student essays: From the perspectives of cross-genre, cross-language, and writing quality
2023-09-18 |