
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
092 / 1 我國公務人員退退撫基金管理制度之檢討與展望 2010-06-16
093 / 1 評鑑中心與警察陞遷制度—以分局長為例 2010-06-16
095 / 2 培訓課程評估機制之研究: 以薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等訓練為例 2010-06-16
092 / 2 從全球化觀點看文官制度的改革 2014-02-01
094 / 1 Assessment Center Simulation As Problem-based Learning Tools for MPA Program : A Field Study in Taiwan 2010-06-16
094 / 2 Performance Determinants for e-Government : An Empirical Study in Taiwan 2010-06-16
095 / 2 探討職能導入與應用之成功要素:以創新管理觀點 2014-02-01
095 / 1 Human Capital Measurement and Its Implications for Strategic Human Resource Development in the Public Sector: An Empirical Study in Taiwan 2010-06-16
094 / 2 Developing Required Competencies for R&D Technical Professionals of IC Manufacturers in Taiwan 2014-02-01
093 / 2 新進公務人員激勵因子與類型之研究:以九十三年高考及格人員為例 2010-06-16
095 / 1 國家考試口試未來發展趨勢之研究 2014-02-01
092 / 2 志工組織績效指標之研究—以竹苗地區為例 2014-02-01
095 / 2 公務人員擔任公職動機之研究: 以九十六年高考級格人員為例 2010-06-16
095 / 1 Competency Categorizing through Responses in In-basket Exercise : An Application of Data-mining Technique 2010-06-16
095 / 2 Building Trust for Partnership under Hostility: The Dilemma and Solutions of Public-private Collaboration for BOT Cases in Taiwan 2010-06-16
088 / 2 Applying assessment center exercises in civil service selection : a pilot study on senior-grade examination level I of Taiwan 2010-06-16
096 / 1 A Competency Assessment Model for Management Development Programs: Implications from the National Civil Service Institute, Taiwan ROC 2011-10-24
093 / 2 An Integrated Assessment Model for Higher Civil Service Development Programs: Implications from the National Civil Service Institute, Taiwan 2011-10-24
094 / 2 Performance Determinants for e-Government Initiatives: A Empirical Study of Taipei City, Taiwan 2011-10-24
096 / 2 Psychological Contracts and Attitude toward Public Management Reform: An Empirical Study in Taiwan 2011-10-24
095 / 2 Value Basis of the Service-oriented Government 2011-10-24
091 / 1 公共行政在職教育教學方法之展望 2011-10-24
094 / 2 全球化對我國公務人力發展的衝擊 2011-10-24
094 / 2 地方治理能力評估指標建構之研究 2011-10-24
089 / 2 地方政府績效指標建構之研究 : 新竹市政府個案分析 2011-10-24
093 / 2 能力本位培訓課程規劃之研究:台北市政府個案分析 2011-10-24
093 / 1 能立本位基層主管培訓課程規劃之研究:台北市個案分析 2011-10-24
095 / 1 高級文官管理才能發展制度之研究——人力資本觀點 2011-10-24
090 / 1 從考用配合角度談公務人員核心能力之建立 : 以警察人員為例 2011-10-24
096 / 2 績效評核與獎酬聯結之研究:中基層公務員實證調查 2011-10-24
101 / 2 Identifying Training Needs thru Competency Modelling: An Empirical Study in Taipei City 2014-07-02
101 / 1 Applying Personality Test in Leadership Development Program: Some Observations and Reflections in Taipei City Government 2013-06-04
101 / 1 Civil Service Reform on Performance Appraisal: An Uneasy Task 2013-06-04
100 / 2 Public Service Motivation, Psychological Contract, and Emotional Labor: An Integrated Approach of Motivation Study 2013-06-04
100 / 2 公共服務動機與情緒勞務:復旦大學MPA學員的實證分析 2013-06-04
100 / 2 A Competency Model of Collaborative Leadership: Validation and Implication 2014-10-01
099 / 1 The Mechanism of Public-Private Partnership in Local Government: the dilemma and solutions 2013-06-04
098 / 2 Strategic Human Resource Development: An Empirical Study in Taiwan 2013-06-04
098 / 2 Psychological Contract, Personality, and Performance Awareness: An Empirical Study in Taiwan 2013-06-04
098 / 1 Human Resource Transformation Model: An Empirical Analysis 2013-06-17
098 / 1 Public Service Motivation and Performance Perception: An Empirical Study in China 2013-06-04
097 / 2 Building University Performance Indicators: A Perspective of Balanced Scorecard 2013-06-04
100 / 2 Theoretical Development of Public Administration in Taiwan: Dilemma and Future Directions 2013-06-04
101 / 1 基層公務人員情緒勞務初探:以臺北市里幹事為例 2013-06-04
098 / 2 未來總統政見形成、落實執行與成效評估機制之建立 2013-06-04
097 / 1 公務人員官等結構中的性別差異:以薦升簡訓練為例 2014-10-01
098 / 2 組織文化與組織不當行為關聯之研究 2014-04-04
096 / 1 平衡計分卡成效影響因素探討: 以臺北自來水事業處為例 2014-01-20
103 / 1 環保政策執行與市民參與:以臺北市垃圾分類為例 2015-04-22
103 / 1 就業力導向通識課程評鑑初探:以淡江大學「社團學習與實作」為例 2015-04-22
103 / 1 地方基層治理績效指標之研究:以新北市中和區里辦公處為例 2015-04-22
103 / 1 Coaching and Counseling in Taipower Company: Old Methods in New Context 2015-04-22
102 / 2 城管績效與公民參與:以台北市垃圾分類為例 2015-04-22
102 / 2 醫師情緒勞務之研究:以臺北市聯合醫院為例 2015-04-22
102 / 2 環保政策執行與公民參與:以臺北市垃圾分類為例 2015-04-24