
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
089 / 2 女子籃球選手膝關節運動傷害之帶傷訓練研究 2015-10-15
090 / 2 運動介入對國中教職員健康體適能的效果分析 2015-10-15
094 / 1 百公尺高速期分段速度之探討 2015-10-15
094 / 1 百公尺途中跑髖關節之運動學分析 2015-10-15
093 / 2 女子短跑選手起跑動作之運動學分析 2015-10-15
088 / 2 中華民國籃球協會八十八年赴美教練講習會 2015-10-15
091 / 1 不同動作及不同距離投籃分析 2015-10-15
090 / 1 我國女子籃球不同專長位置運動員反應能力之分析研究 2015-10-15
093 / 1 淺析投籃時機及技術決策之教學法 2015-10-15
090 / 2 The research of knowledge and attitude toward sports and health for different ages among ethnic groups in Taipei county 2015-10-15
090 / 2 The economic effects Of Michael Jordan’s second return to the NBA with a special focus on the media and sports idustry 2015-10-15
091 / 2 A study of the relationships between fitness and skill for the young female soccer player in Taiwan 2015-10-15
091 / 2 The tactics alteration and its evolution trend in the contemporary women's volleyball competition(1988-1998) 2015-10-15
091 / 2 Basketball coach's acknowledgement and application of injury training 2015-10-15
091 / 2 The analysis and application of plantar ressure measurement on basketball shooting technique 2015-10-15
109 / 2 大學生跆拳道運動員人體測量參數和身體成分的性別差異 2022-04-21