
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
090 / 1 雨水利用技術在綠建築設計上之應用 2010-06-16
090 / 1 臺灣地區臥室空間自然通風之研究--建築物窗戶分段開口對室內熱舒適性及健康性之影響 2010-06-16
087 / 1 以中央橫軸旋轉窗探討自然通風狀態下通風效率之研究 2010-06-16
087 / 2 中央橫軸旋轉窗影響通風效率之研究 2010-06-16
090 / 1 變梯間配置對開口模式及通風路徑之影響評估--以連棟透天住宅為例 2010-06-16
087 / 1 辦公建築室內空氣品質與空調設備之診斷研究 2010-06-16
088 / 1 Numerical simulation of natural ventilation of bedroom in warm climate 2010-06-16
088 / 1 Stack effects on the induced air flow volume in a two-story building through the investigation, of wind velocity solar insulation and roof design 2010-06-16
086 / 1 A study of indoor air quality in a naturally ventilated bedroom 2011-10-02
086 / 1 A study of window location and furniture layout to maximize the cooling effect for an urban Taiwanese apartment by night ventilation 2011-10-02
086 / 1 Investigation on the air flow distribution in a cross-ventilated residential bedroom 2011-10-02
094 / 1 New Experimental Building for Naturally Ventilated Solutions in the Subtropical Region 2011-10-02
086 / 1 Winter ventilation design guidelines for urban Taiwanese apartments 2011-10-02
085 / 1 台灣住宅廚房單位空間自然通風之研究--以溫度、氣流分佈影響為例 A study on ventilation of a unit space kitchen in Taiwan residence--to cite the influence of temperature and airflow distribution as examples 2011-10-02
086 / 1 住宅空間通風效果之研究-廚房空氣環境之 CFD 模擬解析 2011-10-02
086 / 1 住宅臥室空間自然通風效果之研究-濃度衰減法實驗與數值模擬之解析 2011-10-02
085 / 1 住宅單元空間自然通風效果之研究---以集合住宅臥室空間為例 A study on an unit space of dwelling for cross-ventilation--based on the bedroom of residences 2011-10-02
086 / 1 建築技術規則中有關通風條文之探討研究 2011-10-02