086 / 2 |
壓克力系列高分子導光管之製備及其性質硏究 Synthsis and Characteristics of Acrylic Polymer Light Conduits
2007-01-04 |
090 / 2 |
聚亞醯胺-無機氧化物混成光學薄膜之製備及其性質硏究 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyimide-Inorganic Oxide Hybrid Optical Thin Films
2007-01-04 |
086 / 2 |
壓克力系列高分子導光管之製備及其性質硏究 Synthsis and Characteristics of Acrylic Polymer Light Conduits
2007-01-04 |
090 / 2 |
聚亞醯胺-無機氧化物混成光學薄膜之製備及其性質硏究 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyimide-Inorganic Oxide Hybrid Optical Thin Films
2007-01-04 |