
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
088 / 1 模製電磁波干擾屏蔽用產品之輻射狀金屬化塑膠粒之製法 2010-06-16
081 / 1 金屬基複合材料製程添加超微細陶瓷顆粒之方法及其裝置 2010-06-16
086 / 2 金屬基藉曳引方式混以強化材之複合材製法 2016-01-13
086 / 2 基地內強化材非均質分佈之複合材鑄件之鑄造方法 2016-01-13
086 / 1 Verfahren und vorrichtung zur herstellung von pellets aus metallisiertem kunststoff fur die formverarbeitung zum abschirmen von elektromagnetischer beeinflussung 2016-01-13
088 / 1 Water-penetrable drip irrigation pipe 2016-01-13
083 / 2 一種製造複合材料的方法與設備 2010-06-16
086 / 2 Process and apparatus for manufacturing aluminum laminally filled plastic pellets for shielding electromagnetic interference 2010-06-16
084 / 2 Process for making metallized plastic molding pellets for shielding electromagnetic interface 2016-01-13
084 / 2 以曳引方式混以强化材的複合材製法及其設備 2010-06-16
088 / 1 防電磁波干擾積層式鋁填充塑膠粒及塑膠板,其製造方法及裝置,及由其所製得之塑膠成形品 2016-01-13
090 / 1 可折式視障手杖 2016-01-12
088 / 2 簡化型滴滲式灌溉用管 2015-09-23
088 / 2 多功能滴滲式灌溉用管 2015-09-23
086 / 1 防電磁波干擾積層式鋁填充塑膠粒及板之製造方法及裝置(二) 2011-05-20
083 / 1 金屬基表面複合金屬強化材一次成型之方法及製品 2011-05-20
095 / 2 感光性樹脂層表面微結構之模帶對輥輪成型方法以及依該法製得之光學薄膜 2016-01-05
083 / 2 製造鋁合金基分散強化複合材料之方法 2011-05-20
082 / 1 Apparatus for making metal-matrix composites reinforced by ultrafine reinforcing materials 2016-01-14
095 / 2 Fabrication method of nanoimprinting mold core 2011-05-20
083 / 1 Process for making metal-matrix composites mixed with reinforcing materials by forced drafting 2016-01-14
081 / 2 Process for making metal-matrix composites reinforced by ultrafine reinforcing materials products thereof 2016-01-14
094 / 2 多段式集光之光學膜片 2016-01-05
089 / 2 Microfabrication Process for Making Microstructures as Geometrically Mimiaturized from Three-Dimensional Orientations 2016-01-12
090 / 1 自三次元方向呈微細化幾何造型之微小結構之製造方法 2016-01-12
102 / 2 析出型薄膜及其形成方法 2015-12-24
103 / 1 淨水裝置 2015-12-22
102 / 1 適用於馬桶水箱之清潔器結構 2015-12-25
102 / 1 薄膜太陽能電池之裝置結構 2015-12-25
102 / 2 Precipitated Film And Fabricating Method Thereof 2016-03-08
103 / 1 Cleaner Structure For Toilet Tank 2016-03-08
102 / 1 適用於馬桶水箱之清潔器結構 2016-03-08
102 / 2 析出型薄膜及其形成方法 2016-03-08
103 / 1 淨水裝置 2016-03-08
102 / 1 薄膜太陽能電池之裝置結構 2016-03-08
096 / 2 Optical film having prismatic faces directly formed with micro-lenses thereon 2020-08-23
095 / 1 Synergetically enhanced multiple-layer optical film and process thereof 2020-08-23
096 / 1 Multiple-layer optical film having light concentrating and diffusing functions 2020-08-23
096 / 1 Multiple-layer optical film intermediated with corrugated pattern layer and process thereof 2020-08-23
094 / 1 Method for forming structured film as molded by tape die 2020-08-23
096 / 1 Optical film having multi-story prisms and manufacturing process thereof 2020-08-23
096 / 1 Optical film having multi-story and multi-peak prisms 2020-08-23
096 / 1 Synergetically enhanced optical film and process for making same 2020-08-23
095 / 2 Fabrication Method of Nanoimprint Mold Core 2020-08-23
094 / 2 Nano water paint having nano particles surfaced with self-assembly monolayers 2020-08-23
091 / 1 Guidably-recirculated heat dissipating means for cooling central processing unit 2020-08-23
090 / 2 Process and apparatus for plating copper on particulate graphite 2020-08-23
090 / 1 Self-recirculated heat dissipating means for cooling central processing unit 2020-08-23
089 / 2 Microfabrication process for making microstructures having high aspect ratio 2020-08-23
089 / 2 Microfabrication process for making microstructures as geometrically miniaturized from three-dimensional orientations 2020-08-23
088 / 1 Water-penetrable drip irrigation pipe 2020-08-23
086 / 2 Process and apparatus for manufacturing aluminum laminally filled plastic pellets for shielding electromagnetic interference 2020-08-23
085 / 2 Process for making metal-matrix composites mixed with reinforcing materials by forced drafting 2020-08-23
085 / 2 Process for making metallized plastic molding pellets for shielding electromagnetic interference 2020-08-23
083 / 2 Process for making metal-matrix composites reinforced by ultrafine reinforcing materials products thereof 2020-08-23
083 / 1 Apparatus for making metal-matrix composites reinforced by ultrafine reinforcing materials 2020-08-23
088 / 2 Mikroherstellungsprozess zur Herstellung von geometrisch miniaturisierten Mikrostrukturen aus dreidimensionalen Gebilden 2020-08-23
088 / 1 Manufacture method of microstructure with high aspect ratio 2020-08-23
096 / 2 Optical film having prismatic faces directly formed with micro-lenses thereon 2020-08-23
110 / 2 多功能浴室抽風機 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-04-08
110 / 2 車用LED燈複合材質散熱模組 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-06-16
111 / 1 兼顧熱傳導與熱擴散之車用LED燈散熱模組 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-08-08
109 / 2 原位析出3D列印設備 2022-11-11
110 / 1 次微米及奈米銅粉量產裝置及其方法 2023-03-08