
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 1 Associate Editor of the IASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications 2010-12-28
093 / 2 Guest Editor of International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC) 2007-05-03
093 / 1 Reviewer of the International Journal of Eectrical Engineering 2007-05-03
093 / 2 Reviewer of Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 2007-05-03
093 / 2 Reviewer of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2007-05-03
093 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2007-05-03
094 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2007-05-03
094 / 1 Reviewer of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2007-05-03
094 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Computer Communications special issue on Sensor-Actuator Networks (SANETs) 2007-05-03
095 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Ad-Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 2007-05-03
095 / 2 Reviewer of the Bulletin of National Pingtung Institute of Commerce 2007-05-03
096 / 1 Area Editor of Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 2010-12-28
096 / 2 Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology 2008-05-19
098 / 2 Revierer of IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology 2010-03-08
098 / 1 Reviewer of Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 2010-03-08
097 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Information Science and Engineering 2010-03-08
097 / 2 Reviewer of Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 2010-03-08
097 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2010-03-08
097 / 2 Reviewer of IEEE Wireless Magazine 2010-03-08
097 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Computing & Information Technology 2010-03-08
098 / 2 Reviewer of of The Sixth Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology (T 2010-12-28
099 / 1 Reviewer of IET Communications 2010-12-28
099 / 1 International Journal of Computer Networks 2010-12-28
099 / 1 Reviewer of Journal Information Science and Engineering 2010-12-28
099 / 1 International Journal on Sensor Networks 2010-12-28
099 / 1 Journal of Sensors 2010-12-28